Activity 2: Self-Assessment
Instructions : Please answer the following questions related to Activity 2

Question 1: In RestClient.smali, what are the two values stored in param p1 and param p2 in the method getAccount ?

Question 2: How many param are there in method performLogin ?

Question 3: BankingApplication.smali contains the method checkPassword. What is the prompt on param, p1 ?

Question 4: Which folder contains the files where payload is injected ?

Question 5: After which .line the payload is injected ?

Question 6: What is the extension of the files contained in the base folder ?

Question 7: Which folder of the disassembled APK contains the bootstrap ?

Question 8: What is the access modifier of the method where payload is injected ?

Question 9: What is the .source of RestClient.smali ?

Question 10: How many files are there in base folder ?

Question 11: In which method is the malicious payload injected ?

Question 12: Which part was replaced in the injected payload ?

Question 13: How many folders are there in the extracted folder "app-release" ?

Question 14: How many "uses-permission" tags are there in the AndroidManifest.xml file ?

Question 15: What is the name of folder containing the "RestClient.smali" file ?

Question 16: There is an "activity" tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file ?

Question 17: What is the size (approximately) of "RestClient.smali" file ?

Question 18: What is the first parameter in the "performLogin" method of the "RestClient.smali" file ?

Question 19: There is an "username" and "password" field in the RestClient.smali file ?

Question 20: What is the name of the folder containing the final android app ?

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